The Crossover - No Turning Back: 7 Days of Fasting – Partial Fast (Water Only)
The Crossover - No Turning Back: 7 Days of Fasting – Partial Fast (Water Only)
Hello Challenger!
As Christians, there are countless big and little decision point moments in our lives where we cannot stand still and just look at the promises of God from a distance. However, there are also moments where we are afraid to move forward. Why? The place of the unknown - unfamiliar territory. We know what God has promised us, but what will we have to face traveling to the place called "promise". At times, the future looks bleak, and we know that once we set foot upon a particular course of action there will be no going back – not ever. Fear shows up on the scene to paralyze our movement and we can tend to lose focus on what God has promised us through His written word.
Many of God’s directives appear to defy what we consider to be reasonable and normal behavior. As we consider these commands, we are (in a sense) poised on the brink of the River Jordan. “Can I trust God to keep His promise to be there with me, to protect me? Can I trust God with the results of my obedience?”
The answer is "Yes" - We can trust God and He will never change His mind about us. A promise is a promise. (II Corinthians 1:20; Jeremiah 29:11)
Fasting is not just about letting go; it's also about opening ourselves up to receive. By willingly surrendering our physical cravings and desires, we create space for God's provision in our lives. Through this challenge, you'll discover the abundant blessings that await as you trust in God's perfect provision, both in the spiritual realm and in the practical aspects of your life.
What Are The Time Frames of The Fast?
6 Am to 6 Pm CST
7 Am to 7 Pm EST
4 Am - 4 Pm PST
11 Am - 11 Pm UTC
12 Pm - 12 Am (London, UK)
What Materials Are Included in the Challenge?
1. Seven Live Video & Audio Lectures – (Zoom Recordings – 45-60 Minutes)
2. Prayer Targets (Daily)
3. Reflection Points & Definitions
4. Homework Assignments (Daily)
5. Online Fasting Journal (Google Doc)
6. One Year Plan to Read the Bible (Word Document)
Prayer Targets – Crossing Over
Day 1: Submission to God
Day 2: Clear Direction from God’s Word
Day 3: The Fear of God
Day 4: The Power of God
Day 5: The Presence of God
Day 6: Confidence in God
Day 7: Miraculous Provision from God